Johannah Lynch
almost 5 years ago by Johannah Lynch

​Today, on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we reaffirm our commitment and celebrate the progress we have made to a more sustainable business.  We pledge that sustainability will remain a central part of our operations as we continue to grow. 

Tree Nation.

We are delighted to continue our partnership with Tree Nation, a platform for reforesting the world and fighting climate change. Tree Nation directs and coordinates reforestation efforts worldwide and has planted more than 5 million trees since their foundation. Every time we place a candidate into a new role we plant a tree in one of their planting projects around the world.

Carbon offset program.

We have committed to offsetting our carbon emissions for all business operations by the end of 2020. We will directly compensate for all work-related carbon emissions by funding an equivalent carbon dioxide saving elsewhere.

Through these combined reforestation & carbon offset initiatives we are working towards carbon neutrality. We look forward to seeing The Barton Partnership’s forest grow and we continue to seek out new ways of playing our part in securing the future of our planet.