Jason Roofe
almost 5 years ago by Jason Roofe

​Every decision starts with data, whether quantitative and/or qualitative. Information is created that builds into intelligence and intelligence leads to decisions that can make or lose companies millions.  The speed and accuracy of intelligence for those decisions is changing in the market with new start-ups embracing AI to drive to faster and more reliable intelligence, even utilising decision-making algorithms to remove a large majority of human interaction between initial data creation and decision. 

Mature organisations  often don’t know where to start with their data, while younger companies aspire to the volume of data ‘unutilised’ by the more mature ones. Typically, many will start with their dashboard and reporting, but this is not usually the area that will create the most value. 

Are you falling behind your competition due to an absence of or stagnation of your data strategy and management? 

Read the latest insight in our T&C series, 'How to realise the value in your data'.​

Download the insight